Jumat, 25 Juli 2008


Seminar Strategi Jitu Memikat Walet yang diselenggarakan oleh Eddy Salim di Hotel Gajah Mada, Pontianak - Indonesia telah berlangsung sukses. Seminar dihadiri oleh 68 peserta yang berasal dari Indonesia, Malaysia dan Brunei.
Saya, Hendri Mulia, merupakan pembicara utama di seminar ini yag membahas teknik-teknik terkini untuk memikat burung walet agar burung walet dapat masuk, tinggal dan membuat sarang.Mikro habitat rumah walet memegang peranan penting sebelum pemikatan dilakukan dengan menggunakan suara. Kita dapat menggunakan berbagai jenis suara asli, artificial dan atau suara-suara lain untuk menarik perhatian burung walet mendekati rumah burung walet (RBW) atau lubang masuk burung (LMB), namun bila mikro habitat RBW tidak memadai maka burung walet tidak akan tinggal apalagi bersarang di RBW tersebut.
Seminar yang berlangsung selama 2 hari, yaitu tanggal 19 dan 20 Juli 2008, membahas teknik-teknik dan strategi jitu memikat walet yang menekankan pada menciptakan mikro habitat rumah burung walet dan penggunaan suara walet.
Suara walet yang baik adalah yang effektif memikat walet. Suara yang digunakan adalah suara luar yang dikenal juga sebagai suara panggil.
Suara panggil dapat diciptakan dengan menggunakan suara asli burung walet yang direkam dan diedit sedemikian ruap sehingga mampu menarik perhatian burung walet. Suara panggil ini juga dapat diciptakan dengan menggunakan suara serangga dan alat musik yang dikreasikan sedemikian rupa hingga mampu memikat burung walet untuk datang ke rumah burung walet.
Suara dalam atau juga yang dikenal dengan suara inap, memegang peranan penting agar burung walet mau tinggal dan membuat sarang di RBW.
Suara inap sangat disarankan menggunakan suara asli dan tidak dianjurkan menggunakan suara-suara yang ciptakan dari instrumen / alat musik.
Burung walet akan tinggal dan membuat sarang di RBW bila mikro habitatnya ideal.
Setelah seminar hari kedua, seluruh peserta seminar berkunjung ke Sentra Walet, Sei Pinyuh.

Pada malam harinya, kami jalan menuju ke Jl. Ir. H. Juanda....di sini banyak rumah burung walet yang telah berproduksi dan salah satunya yang telah berproduksi puluhan kilo berada di sebelah Bank Ekonomi.

Kami sangat terkejut melihat phenomena yang terjadi sebagaimana pernah kami lihat di Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia, yaitu burung walet masih berkeliaran di malam hari di tempat yang ada lampunya. Burung-burung walet ini meyambar dan memakan serangga terbang yang beterbangan mendekat billboard Bank Ekonomi. Cahaya lampu dari billboard ini mengundang serangga terbang dan serangga terbang mengundang burung-burung walet untuk mendekat serta memakan serangga terbang tersebut.

Hal ini menjadi perhatian kita, dan kita harus bertanya apakah produksi RBW yang disebelah Bank Ekonomi meningkat dan burung waletnya bertambah karena adanya billboard ini?

Secara logika, serangga-serangga terbang ini menarik burung-burung walet lainnya yang sedang menuju ke rumahnya untuk mampir dan bersantap ria di billboard tersebut sampai lupa pulang ke RBW nya. Untuk menuju RBWnya burung walet tersebut akan mengalami kesulitan karena hari telah gelap, sedangkan di sebelah billboard tersebut terdapat RBW yang populasinya besar, sehingga kemungkinan besar burung-burung walet yang sedang berpesta ria di situ akan menginap lalu tinggal di RBW yang bersebelahan dengan billboard tersebut. Hal ini sangat mungkin terjadi.

Video clip di bawah ini saya ambil pada tanggal 20 Juli 2008, pada jam 21.12 di jl. Ir. H. Juanda - Pontianak - Indonesia

Sabtu, 12 Juli 2008

Sarawak Forestry issued a statement on Swiftlet Farming in Sarawak

Kuching, Tuesday, September 11, 2007 - SARAWAK FORESTRY today issued a statement on swiftlets farming in Sarawak.

In Sarawak, edible bird nests industry has a long history of traditional and intimate involvement of local communities; at least 150 years old. Since 1998, sustainable harvest of wild bird nests population from natural caves has been introduced. This effort, not only stop the decline of the wild swiftlets population but also substantially increase some colonies in example in the case of middle Baram, Bukit Sarang and Niah Cave.

This natural resources has benefited the local communities who are licensed to collect edible bird nests from the natural caves. Economic wise, it has become a sustainable income to the local communities and swiftlets population are able to be managed sustainably.

According to SARAWAK FORESTRY, under Section 19 in the Wildlife Protection Rules, 1998 it is stated that "no person shall establish, own or maintain a commercial wild life farm without a license issued by the Controller".

The spokesman advised that under Wild Life Protection (Amendment) Ordinance, 2003, it is clearly stated that "No person shall, without a license from the Controller, build, erect, maintain or set up any building or structure for the purposes of harbouring, or providing facilities or environment for, swiftlets to make or create nests thereon with a view to collecting and taking edible birds´ nests for sale or trade".

Commercial wild life farm includes a place, premises, ranch or estate where wildlife is reared, bred, grown, or maintained for trade or sale or other commercial purposes, but exclude a livestock farm licensed under the Natural Resources and Environment (Control of Livestock Pollution) Rules, 1996.

It is important to note said the spokesman that, all swiftlets including all species of Aerodrarnus, Hydrochous and Collocalia are protected under the Wild Life Protection Ordinance, 1998 thus whether the swiftlets are in urban areas or not, the Ordinance still applies.

SARAWAK FORESTRY acknowledges that edible bird nests (i.e: farming) are lucrative business, because the edible bird nests is an export commodity and valuable. In the past few years, swiftlets farming experienced rapid expansion in Sarawak and Sarawak´s State Cabinet is not opposing the development of swiftlets farming industries provided that it is done in healthy manner, on agriculture land.

This is evident in Rules 18(a) & (b), The Wild Life Protection (Edible Birds´ Nests) (Ammendment) Rules, 2006 which allow for swiftlets farming to exclude:

  1. within an area or land cleared to be town land under section 11(1) of the Land Code [Cap. 81 (1958 Ed.)]; or
  2. within an area of land declared to be town land under section 11(1) of the Land Code [Cap. 81 (1958 Ed.)] unless the special condition of the title for the land allows it to be used for agriculture and written approval has been obtained from Superintendent of Land and Surveys of the Division for the erection of the building to be used for swiftlets farming.

In this instance, operating in shop lots at any building is a violation of these Rules. On the use of shop lots by swiftlets farmers, said the spokesman, according to their expert, it is not conducive in the long run for swiftlets apart from the speakers used to imitate the swiftlets chirping sound can prove to be a nuisance to the surrounding communities when the volume is amplified. In addition to that, he said that though swiftlets roost in the building as in the case of farming in shop houses, inevitably its droppings still have the tendency to land outside their premises.

Furthermore, without proper technique and out of ignorance, water ponds installed in these shop houses can produce obnoxious smells when huge amount of swiftlets droppings fell in it.

However, swiftlets farming is permissible via the approval and license issued by Controller and subject to related rules and regulation stated in the license thereof.

The spokesman said that "there are success stories of swiftlets farming in rural areas/ agriculture land when done in proper manner and in accordance with prescribed rules and regulations stated under the Ordinance. This should be the way forward". The notion that swiftlets farming in rural areas are not prosperous is not true because there are equally large number of unsuccessful swiftlets farming in shop lots. The success depend very much on technique and know-how of this industry.

In conclusion, the State Government encourages swiftlets farming established legally with license approved by the Controller and done in rural areas or agriculture land, which adheres to related rules and regulations.


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